How much does it cost to hire you?

Pricing for my popular 4 hours package, investment for this is £1750 (This fee is location dependent)
I am based in Newport, South Wales. If your event is more than 1 hour away from me, I am sorry, I cannot offer a smaller package. My time can be split.

How far do you travel?

I go as far North as approximately Sheffield. As far South as Devon. I like to keep travel approx within 3 hours of home. (Newport South Wales)

I don’t cover Norfolk, Cambridge, Suffolk, Lincoln, Notts, Yorkshire W,E,N, North Wales, Derbyshire, Cheshire, or Cambridge.

My requirements to set up

I don’t require much, a flat flooring, no loud music. My booth is battery-operated. I also require two minutes of somebody’s help to stand and hold one side of my booth.

How long do the portraits take to dry?

Approximately 5 minutes. I provide a hard-backed envelope for you to take away.

What events do you cover?

Weddings and parties. I am a good-time gal. I don’t cover kid’s parties.

Is this your proper job?
